Atashinchi no danshi drama review
Atashinchi no danshi drama review

There are lot of scenes that could have been cheesy, but were not (all the times that they referred to them being a family. There is a lot of fanservice (the guys spent most of their time in their spa, ergo, half naked). There is a lot of bromance (Sho/Takeru and Masaru/Satoru). He seemed very disagreeable at first, but actually he was a nice guy! I don't know if it was for that, but now I like Kaname Jun more than I used to. Sho because Osamu Mukai looked his best here he was such a handsome guy! And Takeru because he was damn funny, and his bromance with Sho were just the best. I liked them all, even Akira (it is just that the boy could not act, poor child), but my favorites were Sho and Takeru. Since they are almost all the time together, it was easy to see and accept their bond. Slowly all boys started to be nice and sweet. Not so much at first, but from #3 or so, when they boys decided to help her, it became funny and entertaining. So the challenges that Chisato had to face were silly, so what? I loved the Mother's Goals. I did not like him because of that, that that old guy had to marry such a pretty girl under shady circumstances! But well, his role was ok and he grew on me. It was strange to see Horikita Maki with that guy Yamamato (Sinzo's other secretary), now that they are married. I have to say that the actress who played Kyoko (Takashima Reiko) is so elegant! And looks like an older version of Sawajiri Erica. The secondary characters were also charming: from Kyoko, Sinzo-san's (father of the boys and husband of Chisato for a month until he dies) secretary to the kogal that works at the store. The older brother takes longer to show, only bits here and there, and at fist he looked like he was going to be trouble. Sho (Osamu Mukai) is a playboy who likes money only, and is father of a boy. Masaru (Yamamoto Yusuke) is a model who has a woman-phobia, and looked like a drag-queen. Akira (the youngest son) was a bit stiff and it seemed like he was going to be a brat. Satoru (Seto Koji) is a hikikomori with the worst kind of hairstyle, which was a shame because he has an adorable face -though a bit feminine. Takeru (Okada Yoshinori) is a yankee that is hard on Chisato since Day 1. At first none of them make a good impression. Unlike in other doramas, I understand why the boys ended up loving her. Maybe she was extra kawaii in this dorama, or maybe she improved in her acting, but I think this was her best role so far -not that I have seen many of her works, mind you.- Chisato was a very likable character: a bit tough, a bit soft, and not annoying at all! So different from her role in HanaKimi. Her talent, however, is that she is extremely charming. I don't find her a good actress, to be honest. But the characters were very likable! Let's start with Horikita Maki. Although I wouldn't have minded a S, but well, you can't have everything! Most of the times, the last 2 or 3 episodes are MEH, but not in this case. There wasn't a single episode I did not like. This dorama was cute without being corny, funny without being ridiculous, with a bit of romance without being too romantic. The exact thing I was expecting from " Meichan no Shitsuji" (and that I did not get). It was everything I want in a comedy drama. So what will happen to Chisato living with 6 guys in one house? The 6 of them are handsome having their own complexes and traumas.

#Atashinchi no danshi drama review free

One is a magician who never went out of his room, a genius who acts like an old man although he is the youngest, a model who has trauma from girls, a host who maintains his position as number one, an ex-yankee who does nothing but drive his bicycle and a free unemployed man. The six adopted sons have their own quirky personalities. Shinzo has six adopted sons who all live life like strangers. According to their contract Chisato must act as the mother for three months, completing every task given to her by her marriage contract.

atashinchi no danshi drama review

Chisato takes up Shinzo's offer then one month after their marriage, Shinzo dies leaving her life more complicated for she didn't know she signed a contract more than what was suppose to be.

atashinchi no danshi drama review

Shinzo is the president of a large toy company and offers to pay off Chisato's ¥100 million debt if she agrees to become his wife for a month. One day, Chisato comes across an eccentric older man named Shinzo Okura. After her father's disappearance, the debt becomes attached to Chisato and she is now homeless. Because of the large debt, Chisato's father skipped town without a trace. Chisato's mother died when she was young and her father is a chronic gambler that has racked up over ¥100 million in debts.

atashinchi no danshi drama review

Sunakoyue Chisato Mineta (Maki Horikita) is a girl who sleeps in public parks and internet cafes.

Atashinchi no danshi drama review